
  I met a friend this week over coffee to discuss a tiny project we have been planning for a while now. But over the next few weeks, we are planning to actually get the ball rolling. So as this conversation went on, I started to go off the rails. I started getting concerned over […]

Escape thy Education

For the longest time, I never saw myself as someone who had adopted creative living. I saw myself as only a fan of the arts, at best.  Yes, external validation can help with the labels. But I’ve never cared much for it- nor should you.  As James Cameron once said: “Pick up a camera, shoot […]

It is okay to not know

To learn anything in life is going to demand a lot of patience – haven’t we heard some version of this statement before? It’s quite easy to put it like that though, isn’t it? But what does patience even mean? Because by itself, patience is just a word like every other word. Going deeper, it […]

To learn anything in life is going to demand a lot of patience – haven’t we heard some version of this statement before? It’s quite easy to put it like that though, isn’t it? But what does patience even mean? Because by itself, patience is just a word like every other word. Going deeper, it […]


Hi, I am Nikhil- a filmmaker living in Pondicherry-Chennai. Welcome to my Mustard blog, as a friend calls it.
I like everything film and I list five of them I caught last month- mostly being re-watches as Heraclitus said, “No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it’s not the same river and he’s not the same man.” I believe my first post is an extended ‘about me’ of sorts. Write to me